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The Prize

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Kira Chase

ISBN :978-1-55487-281-7

Page :59

Word Count :14750

Publication Date :2011-06-19

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : The Prize (pdf) , The Prize (prc) , The Prize (epub) , The Prize (mobi)

Category : Contemporary Romance , Erotic Romance , LGBTQIA+ Romance , Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-55487-281-7

For two years Micki has tried to convince Starlyn, the beautiful manager of the popular club, TM's, to go out with her, but Starlyn has adamantly refused. When TM's holds a contest for charity with the prize being a date with Starlyn, Micki realizes that if she can win the competition, Starlyn will have no choice but to go out with her.

Micki walked back into the room where the competition had been held and, seeing no one there except for a couple of guys hosing down the mat, moved to the door leading into the club area. It was packed with many of the spectators who’d just witnessed the event. She glanced around, wondering where Starlyn was when Marti saw her and signaled for her to come to the bar. She slowly made her way through the crowd to where Marti and Tina stood, stopping every few steps to receive congratulations on her win.

“You did a good job out there, Micki, You should enter more events,” Marti said, grabbing her hand and pumping her arm up and down when she finally managed to wind her way through the crowd. “Starlyn’s in the office waiting for you.”

“Thanks, Marti. As far as the events go I think in the future I’ll just be a spectator.”

Marti laughed. “Well, we’re proud of you.”

“Have fun on your date,” Tina said, then winked.

“I will.” She grinned.

“Hey, whatever happens between you two is up to you two, if you get my drift,” Marti added with a twinkle in her eye.

She walked to Starlyn’s office, wondering what Marti meant. The door was slightly ajar. She knocked and then entered. Starlyn was half sitting on the edge of her desk with her long legs dangling tantalizing over the side.

“Have a seat, Micki.”

Micki’s legs turned to jelly and she could barely make it across the small space to the chair Starlyn pointed at. She sat down and then looked expectantly at Starlyn. Usually so in control, almost to the point of being cocky, where her emotions were concerned, she was surprised with the effect Starlyn had on her and wondered if Starlyn was even aware of it.

“First I’d like to congratulate you again, Micki. We raised more money than we ever expected to. You have a lot of fans and we never dreamed we’d sell out, but we did.”

Micki’s face grew warm. God, am I blushing? She took a deep breath. “Thanks,” she mumbled.

“So how about tonight for our date? We may as well get it over with.”

Micki’s throat dried out. To Starlyn their date was something she had to get through, but to Micki it was the dream of a lifetime. She numbly nodded as her heart slowly crumbled.

“So what do you have planned?” Starlyn stared into her eyes.

“I didn’t plan anything since I didn’t know I would win.” She raised an eyebrow. “Besides, I was under the impression that we were supposed to have dinner at a restaurant.” She looked into those beautiful eyes, willing herself to regain her usual self-control. Here was the perfect opportunity to have a conversation with Starlyn and she could barely put a complete sentence together. “I didn’t know the rules had changed,” she uneasily said. “But if it’s up to me, then I’ll make reservations for dinner and we can go to the theater if you’d like to.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. She knew that Starlyn loved the theater. She’d managed to garner bits and pieces of Starlyn’s likes and dislikes from her friends.

“I don’t think you’d be able to get theater tickets unless you already have them. Do you?”

“No, you’re right.” She twisted her hands together. Why did this woman make her feel so helpless? She’d always been a smooth talker…until now. She suddenly realized that this was the longest conversation she’d ever had with the object of her affection. “Is there a restaurant you prefer?” She hoped Starlyn would give her a hint as to what cuisine she liked and didn’t like. Her palms were moist and her heart was thumping so loudly she thought that Starlyn must surely hear it.

Starlyn was thoughtful for a minute. “You know what I’d really like, Micki?

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